Hello, I am currently an Implementation Consultant at Fast Enterprises in Olympia, Washington. I work alongside the Washington Department of Revenue on production support which involves developing feature requests and bug fixes.
I graduated from the University of Wisconsin - Madison in May 2021 with a B.S. in Computer Science. While in college, I worked at the Computer Systems Lab as a Lead Student System Administrator.
Personal Website
The website you are currently looking at! The website is built with Jekyll and deployed on Github Pages. This is the first website I have deployed. It has been fun learning more about HTML, CSS, Javascript, and hosting.
While stuck indoors due to the rainy Washington winters, I became really interested in solving Rubiks Cubes. I tried solving 2x2, 3x3, and 4x4 cubes. I was able to solve 2x2’s fairly consistently, but 3x3’s and 4x4’s presented a new challenge. That’s when I had the idea to create a program that represents an NxN cube.
I created a python progam that creates an NxN cube with 6 different colors. I implemented the 3 different rotations for each face. I found this project to be quite fun, but I would like to create a graphical representation of the cube for my next iteration. Picturing the cube rotations as arrays of text on the terminal was somewhat difficult. Another goal I have for the next iteration is a cube solver. Although I am not too familiar with the algorithms involved in solving a cube, I think implementing a generalized algorithm in code would give me a better understanding of how to solve a cube.
I got tired of having to check my fantasy basketball roster, so I wanted to build a program that will automatically determine the best roster on any given night. This involves checking for player injuries, limiting the number of free agent aquisitions to the weekly league cap, and calculating the expected fantasy score.
I used Basketball Reference and ESPN APIs to get player stats and availability. I implemented the expected fantasy score by taking rolling averages for a given players most recent games. I set up a cron job to pull in player stats and schedules every morning.
Unfortunately the ESPN API was not able to set my roster, but this project was a very fun experience. I was exposed to different ways to visualize data, managing and interpretting large amounts of data, and interacting with APIs.
What’s Up Is Down is a 2-D platformer game built from the ground up in Unity for a Software Engineering semester long project. The player can rotate the map in 90 degree increments either clockwise or counter-clockwise. The goal of the game is to reach the end portal while collecting coins and gems, avoiding falling off platforms, and solving which rotations are required to progress through the stage.
I was was responsible for programming scripts that handled platform types, coin/gem collection, and the end portal. The game featured two different platform types- a rectangular platform that rotates around its center and a “pendulum” platform that rotates around a fixed orbit point. Platform rotations are triggered by the player touching the platform. This required learning how to use box colliders, touch input, and scripting to make the platforms perform as expected. The coins and gems required detecting the player colliding with the coin and gem objects. I then incremented the counters on the display to reflect the current count of each item. Implementing the end portal was similar to coin and gem collection, but I also learned how to use animated sprites in Unity.
Overall, this was a great project to take on. It was quite fun to create course designs with the components we worked at the end of the semester. My team and I had not done any development in Unity or C# before, so it was fulfilling to see our progress and ability increase throughout the semester. The end product was enjoyable to play and was a tangible reward for our hard work throughout the semester.
YouQueue was a semester-long group project for my Android Development class. The app creates a common queue which multiple users can add songs to. I was responsible for integrating the Spotify API and SDK to search for songs, add songs, and play songs. I learned about using APIs, parsing data, and interacting with a database.